Vote for Us on Target Circle!

November 14, 2022

Holiday shopping just got sweeter.

Between now and December 31, your Target trips can rack up serious support for local nonprofits! 

Target has a savings program for shoppers called Target Circle, where you can access exclusive deals on items. Your purchases earn you votes that you can then put toward local nonprofits. The number of votes dictates the size of the grant that Target will then give the nonprofits involved!

EPIC is a Target Circle partner through the end of 2022, so visit Target’s community giving page to learn more. Happy holidays!

Visit Target’s community giving page

By EPIC ADMIN September 12, 2024
Buffalo, NY, September 9, 2024 - The Care Management Coalition, represented by Tara N. Burgess of EPIC – Every Person Influences Children (EPIC), Melinda DuBois of Mental Health Advocates of WNY (MHA) and Kimberly Kadziolka of Parent Network of WNY (Parent Network) applaud Dr. Vivek H. Murthy’s recently released Parents Under Pressure: the U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on the Mental Health & Well-Being of Parents. The advisory identifies that parental stress is an urgent public health issue. It also points to the bi-directional connection between parental mental health and child outcomes. The mental health of parents has a profound impact on the well-being of children, families and society. A study done to support the conclusions in this report shows that 41% of parents say that most days they are so stressed they cannot function compared to other adults (20%). The health and wellness of today’s parents are impacted by financial strain and economic stability, time demands, concerns about their children’s health and safety, parental isolation and loneliness, managing technology and social media, and cultural pressures. “We have recognized for decades that parents and caregivers aren’t meant to go it alone. As a collaborative group of human service agencies, we support families in most of the areas represented in the Surgeon General’s advisory, including parenting, mental health and special needs. We support families by providing programs, services and resources to ease stress and isolation,” said Tara Burgess, Executive Director at EPIC – Every Person Influences Children. Chronic stress, along with other factors, can increase mental and physical health conditions for individuals. A parent’s mental health can have a significant impact on a child’s development. How a parent or caregiver manages their mental health significantly determines the impact on the child. Resiliency and coping mechanisms of the caregiver can offset the negative impacts on children. EPIC, MHA and Parent Network, with over 125 years of combined experience, support families and individuals with programs and services that positively impact parents, caregivers and youth. As anchor members of the Care Management Coalition, a shared space and program initiative located at 1021 Broadway in Buffalo, they work to support families as they overcome many of the challenges they may experience. Kimberly Kadziolka, Executive Director at Parent Network of WNY notes, “Parent Network supports families with education and resources related to special needs from birth to adulthood. MHA supports individuals and families with mental illness find answers and navigate the healthcare and treatment systems. EPIC provides direct support to families around parenting and family engagement. We are joined by six other non-profits to provide valuable resources to families in our community. Collectively, our work reduces stress and isolation for families across WNY every day.” The Surgeon General’s report indicates a number of ways that we can support families. In particular, it highlights respecting parents for the job they do raising children, understanding that while parents are primarily responsible for raising children, they should have support so they don’t go it alone, parenting support shouldn’t be stigmatized, and it is important to foster a culture of connection to avoid and overcome isolation. “The Care Management Coalition is a one-stop shop for families looking for support in raising children. There are nine agencies providing services to thousands of families at 1021 Broadway and across Western New York. We also provide resources and services for professionals who serve families in the education, health care and human service worlds,” said Melinda DuBois, Executive Director of Mental Health Advocates. The advisory summarizes that addressing parental mental health conditions and the underlying stressors and causes will ensure improved well-being of children and society. The partners at the Care Management Coalition provide an array of services to address the needs of parents and families and the community that supports them. “We encourage families and professionals to invite us to be a part of their Village,” said Kadziolka, “they will be glad they did.” Parents, caregivers, and professionals seeking support are encouraged to call: For Parenting Support: Call EPIC – Every Person Influences Children – (716) 332-4100 For Mental Health Support: Call Mental Health Advocates of WNY – (716) 886-1242  For Special Needs Support: Call Parent Network of WNY - (716) 332-4170 For other questions or if you are interested in joining the collaborative effort to serve families: Call Care Management Coalition of WNY – (716) 800-2120 The Surgeon General's Advisory can be accessed here .
By EPIC ADMIN November 19, 2023
Join us for our 4th Annual Family Engagement Conference!
By Liz Vetrano April 26, 2023
The grant was allocated from the Office of Children & Family Services Family Opportunity Center funding.
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