
Programs + Events throughout the year


Families impacted by EPIC programs each year


Annual hours dedicated to serving families


Years of service

“Here, for the first time, I didn’t have to worry about being judged as a teen mom. I could be a teen AND a mom.” 

- Lexi, Just For Teens participant 

“We aren’t meant to parent alone. This support means everything to me.”

- Shatika, car seat participant 

“Teens get labeled as lazy, they can’t achieve, they don’t care. That’s untrue. They are misunderstood and unheard. EPIC has given them the floor to be heard and make the changes this world needs.”

- Lekya, Just For Me facilitator 

“I’ve been involved with EPIC since I was pregnant with my son four years ago. We’ve grown together and EPIC has been there every step of the way.”

- Maria,  Baby Expo attendee 

“People don’t always want to listen to teenagers. We don’t always have people to ask but our problems are real, and they’re different than the ones adults had when they were our age.”

- Justin, Just For Me participant 

“The world doesn’t give you a guidebook when you have a baby. But it did give me EPIC.”

- Amina, car seat participant 

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