Reading together is one of the most powerful things you can do as a family, but that doesn’t mean it’s automatically fun to do. Parents and kids can
clash over different literacy styles and topics, and reading can quickly turn into a struggle instead of a bonding activity. Additionally, one in five adults in Buffalo is functionally illiterate, making the most well-intentioned parents unable to support their children in the ways they need it.
That’s where Ready, Set, Read! can help. This fun and interactive series helps break the cycle of intergenerational illiteracy by building parents’ confidence as teachers and advocates for their children. This literacy program is a series of five workshops, designed for children ages birth to age eight and their parents. The families are together for a portion of each workshop, then branch off to apply different strategies and methods. They will learn hands-on techniques and gain essential knowledge to help them create positive learning experiences in their home and everyday surroundings.
Workshop topics include:
Benefits of families who read together: